Other businesses

Find out more about our other businesses.

Pilskytten Lantbruk

Pilskytten Lantbruk cultivates arable land and an experimental cultivation for carbon storage and regenerative agriculture. The farm is located outside Helsingborg.

Improving the health of the soil maintains productivity with reduced inputs (fertiliser, pesticides and fuel) and enables the farm to become carbon negative. So far, 60 out of 650 hectares have soil enriched to store carbon. Pilskytten Lantbruk drives the transition to sustainable, plant-based (premium) food production with the aim of having a positive impact on both environment and people, while generating sufficient financial returns to continue investing in its journey towards full sustainability. Learn more about Pilskytten Lantbruk

Christinelund Dressage

Christinelund Dressage trains, develops and sells dressage horses. The facility is located outside Helsingborg.

Christinelund Dressage is driven by a passion for excellence – with attention to detail and a dedication to quality but, above all, with a love for horses. At the state-of-the-art facility with twenty-two stables, horses and people are given optimal conditions to develop and thrive under the supervision of the Head of Operations Eva Salomon and Head rider Sofie Lexner. The business combines Christinelund Dressage’s values ​​– the well-being of the horse, quality and a long-term view – with happiness, professionalism and good ethics.